Getting an Edge on Jim Cramer

by Jared Levy on July 6, 2010

For more than a year, I took Mad Money host Jim Cramer’s investing ideas and gave them a thumbs up or thumbs down according my own technical analysis and views.  Here at OptionsHouse, it’s not about telling you what to do, but rather offering some strategies for you to explore based on your own individual opinions.

We all have a right to agree or disagree with Cramer and while I have great respect for the man, I can’t say that I am in full agreement with all of his recommendations.  Furthermore, as options traders, we can take his thesis and augment it into acceptable risk for our individual personalities and risk tolerances.

Watching my DVR recording of Friday’s program, I actually liked what Cramer had to say about investing after the crash (I think this was taped earlier).  He talked about the difference between trading and investing and how today’s market participants perhaps need to be an amalgam of the two. I happen to agree with Cramer’s suggestion that traders learn as much as they can about a company, although even with soup-to-nuts knowledge of a company and its business, you can still find yourself in a losing position.  This is due to factors beyond the quality of a company’s product or their ability to sell that product or service to the public.  Cramer noted this when he talked about a company’s stock price becoming “un-glued” from its fundamentals.