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Zacks RTI – Sell Apple Ahead of September 12th?

By September 4, 2012No Comments

Apple officially announced a September 12th “product announcement” which came as no shock to investors who have been chatting about this date for months now.

In the email sent to media members, there is a faint number “5” in the background, which is an obvious reference (unless of course you’re still using a commodore 64) to their newest generation iPhone.

Along with the date, there are literally hundreds of websites all claiming to have an inside scoop on the features of the new iPhone.  Unless this thing turns into a car, I don’t see much that Apple can create that has not been figured into the build already….

Here’s what I think it will have:

  • Bigger, sharper screen (Sharp may actually manufacture the screen according to rumor)
  • Thinner, lighter profile
  • Longer battery life
  • Camera/Video definition & pixels increased (like it’s not sharp enough?)
  • Siri gets smarter (Now maybe she will do as much as Android’s voice command app)
  • New updated IOS
  • New Connector that will upset everyone who has been saving their cords, chargers and peripherals.  It will force all pre-iPhone 5 users to either buy an adaptor or get all new equipment..I think this might hurt Apple in the short term.
  • Some other software frills that 75% of the public won’t take advantage of or care about.

The point is that Apple’s short-term future is riding on iPhone, which is their biggest selling product by far and these features just don’t seem earth shattering to me.  Sure they won over Samsung in a recent U.S. patent case, but that didn’t stop Samsung’s new products, which I think are beginning to nip (bite) at Apple’s heels.

The positive is that the new iPhone, which will most likely retail at $199, will send the 4s to $99 and make the iPhone 4 free with a new contract.  That ought to spur next quarter’s sales; but I just feel as though the hype has outdone the possibilities of the new device and Apple’s investors have again set themselves up for disappointment in the near term and perhaps into the next year or two after the hype dies down.

From my experience as a power-user; it’s the apps, speed and dependability, sturdiness of the device that the masses crave and utlize.  The iPhone is sexy, but how much cooler can Apple make it to continue to drive sales away from the ever growing competitor landscape.  The apps are not native to the phone itself and Google has just about everyone that Apple has.

P.S. The Samsung galaxy S III outsold the iPhone 4s in August and while the Galaxy S3 is still hot, Samsung will be sure to await the iPhone 5’s release and hype, then improve on the new device and release their own early in 2013.

I think we should follow history’s lead and short Apple ahead of their product release, and then buy back after the selloff; what are your thoughts?

If you can’t wait until the 12th, I was able to find this video leak of the iPhone 5; please keep it quiet.  🙂


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