Is a “Jobs Bill” Enough to Boost the Economy?

By Jared A Levy

Is a jobs bill enough? In listening to the President speak yesterday – after he got the audio fixed- I couldn’t help but wonder if:

1. A jobs bill will really have a significant impact

2. Small business owners are even really aware of this bill and are indeed waiting to hire based on its passing? In other words, will “holding the bill hostage” deter these business owners from extending job offers?

Here is the transcript.

The businesses of investing and trading both have their complicated moments, as does the analysis of economic trends. But I do believe there are some major problems that actually have a more simple solution. Sometimes (in this business especially) many of us tend to think that a solution, method, or path to success must involve layers of complex analysis and in turn very complex solutions. I like to try and reduce things down to the simplest terms any time I can and relate a seemingly large situation or problem to something I can wrap my head around.