Facebook & Instagram Selling Your Soul

People around the world are again being duped by Facebook and they probably dont even know it!

Instagram and Facebook are now (starting January 16th) allowed to use, sell, re-purpose, advertise with and share your photos to anyone or anywhere they see fit!

The best part is that not only will you NOT be compensated, you won’t even know who they are selling your photos to (or your personal information for that matter)

I feel for all the gifted artists whose work is being diluted, not to mention those embarrassing and intimate moments captured by people that are now for sale to anyone willing to pay.  Profits to be pocketed by Zuckerberg and company of course, but who’s complaining?
Maybe enough of us will wake up and see how our private (and public) lives are being exploited and do something about it by blocking these policy changes or by discontinuing the usage of FB/Instagram and other applications that are less than forthcoming about their intentions and usage of our property.Instead of taking away our rights with gun laws, taxes and forced medical coverage,  how about we try for once to actually GRANT some rights to humans?Sickening…

FB Thieves