Anecdotal Evidence: You Could Have Waited to Get Your iPhone

by Jared Levy on June 25, 2010

The question is, why would you want to?   Earlier this week I wrote about the man who was camped out in front of the Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) store for seven days to ensure that he got his new iPhone 4.  Well. Mr. Wagoner maybe could have saved himself a bit of heat stroke and heartache in the sweltering Texas sun.

This morning, I took a ride by the Apple store at 10 a.m. to check out the insanity.  Lo and behold, the lines had died down to about 12 deep.  There was still a fully armed Dallas police officer to keep everyone in line; you know how those Apple users can be rowdy and unruly… 🙂

But in fact, all of the prospective customers who showed up at the Highland Park Apple store yesterday were able to claim their new shiny glass devices and could, in fact, have waited until Friday to claim their phones, as there were still some in stock this morning. According to a very helpful and seemingly knowledgeable rep (called “Geniuses” at the Apple Store, btw), they were beginning to run low.